
World Ag Expo

Today we visited the World Ag Expo which is the world's largest annual agricultural exhibition and it was quite LARGE. We walked (quickly) through the exhibition for 3 hours and still probably only viewed about 40% of the show. I was thankful to have my sister who came up from Modesto to help me out as Caleb switched from our arms, to the stroller, to the tractors and he even walked for a while holding our hands. Unfortunately the Velcro from his shoe constantly unsticking made it difficult for him to walk very long. My sister's husband does powder coating and had worked on several of the machines on display so it was neat to see his finished work there at the show. Here are some pictures:I have to say this was the nicest group of people I have ever seen. Everyone was so generous in helping us out as we worked the stroller through the wood chips as we chased Caleb around.


Danielle said...

Oh my gosh! How cute are you guys?!?! I can just imagine how excited Mr. Caleb must have been with all those tractors....so cute!

Unknown said...

know how much Caleb loves tractors/trucks/large equipment...fun, fun, fun! ;]

Katie said...

Isn't it funny how something as simple as faulty VELCRO can make a whole day more difficult?! I am constantly bewildered by how different life is with kids.