
The News

Last Friday was kinda crazy. Jared was suppose to have a decision and leave the state all within a couple hours. Unfortunately they will only allow Jared to work remotely until they find his replacement :( . We are hoping this will take several months and then they will realize that it's working out and not find a replacement. So we decided to take our chances and pay the registration and tuition fees for Fresno State only to find out that there was a GRANT that neither of us were aware of. When we got the paper financial aid "award" in the mail we only qualified for unsubsidized loans, so thanks for hooking us up Jesus! So we are going to Fresno although it is certainly not like we had pictured it we hope things will work out. Thanks for your prayers on our behalf. We will miss our friends here and our church.


Jessica Cameron said...

Congratulations Kimmie! When is it looking you guys are moving? How soon? How can I be praying?

Kathy J said...

Way to walk in faith! I'm confident that God will bless your plans as you move forward.

alyssakaye said...

Wow Kimmie! I'm so happy for you! Like J said, when are you guys moving?

Anonymous said...

That's so great. I'm excited you guys are moving closer (well, to mom and dad at least!). I'll see you early November. No, I won't be there for Thanksgiving.

Will said...

congrats! but im going to miss you guys. i can still remember us being all in the same life group together at the march's in downtown LB! remember when I brought lumpia? your expression was classic. when is your last day in socal? i better get jared out to one last filipino lunch!

Adam Sarah Parker said...

If you need help moving Mark and Sara are available :)