
He sleeps

Some of you may be aware of the drama that is getting Caleb to sleep. I will spare you the long list of reasons why and just give you the recent run down. Yesterday for nap time Caleb decided to mess up his blinds and climb on his bookshelf to take the decorate pillows off the wall. Today however, he asked if he could sleep in "dada's" bed. I normally say no and put him down in his bed, but today I figured I would give it a try. I told him that if he got up that I would put him down in his bed and to my surprise...


Anderson's visit

There are times when I miss my friends so much that my heart aches to see them! This is why we are so thankful we had the opportunity to host the Anderson's this weekend. What a joy! Each one of them is such a blessing to us.
Caleb and Parker hit it off (this is the first time they met). Caleb was giving Parker hugs and they were "communicating" by screaming. Parker would squel/scream and Caleb would bust up laughing and scream back.The McAvoy's also came down to see everyone and celebrate my birthday. Mark made "camp" donuts for us. For some reason instead of a cake I wanted some home made donuts - they were good but they didn't taste the same as my mom's recipe (of course that was a long time ago!).
We went to our local Zoo where Sarah got us both in free! It was only $2 to feed the girafees so she took the opportunity while we looked on. Did you see how long the tongue is? It was interesting how the girafee starting to linger around the feeding spot just mintues before feeding time began. We had such a great time but they still aren't anxious to move to Fresno anytime soon. Oh well, we'll keep trying!




Yes, I know...I have issues with them. So does Caleb apparently but we are praying that it is just a phase. So tonight after Caleb went to bed I rushed outside to use whatever day light I had left to spray the perimeter of our house for bugs. They just broke ground on the houses next to us so I noticed more "activity" lately. I sprayed the fence line and the perimeter of the house. While I was finishing up at the front of the house I noticed a significant spider web and sure enough a large black spider started booking it up the wall of our house heading towards a window. So I started blasting it as close as I could for as long as I could for a VERY long time. It finally died...I think. The whole time I was thinking, "I should just go get some Windex to kill this thing". So here is my question everyone....this is the spray I used. Should I have expected it to kill "on contact" or does it die later? Either way I need some advice. Let me know what your experience has been.