
Batter boards, plumbing and concrete prep

Lots of activity taking place this week on the house. I am partially ashamed to say that I went to the homesite 4 of the 5 days this week. Unfortunately I did not bring my camera every time, which is probably good b/c you would be so bored with the photo's.

This was Tuesday with the batter boards up and ready for plumbing install:This was Friday morning after the plumbing was installed. They also had made preparations for concrete with gravel, the vapor barrier and sand.


Unknown said...

thx for the update.....you should create a photo book of this whole project!

Danielle said...

You sound so professional describing the process! I am quite impressed if I may say! It's very exciting!

Kimmie said...

Yeah, I call my Dad every time and ask him what things are called!

Danielle said...

HAHA! That's awesome!